Rose's garden

A first time bloggers attempt

Saturday, February 25, 2006

School buses

Why is it that a school transportation department can pick up hundreds of children and take them to school every day, but can't seem to show up when they say they will with my son? We've been going through some changes with my son's schooling, and because of this, he's had to start taking an earlier bus to school. We were told that my son's bus, #70, would arrive at 10:35 to pick my son up so that he could be to his class at 11:00. That is more than enough time to cross town to his new kindergarden class. We didnt have school on Monday, but the rest of the week had nothing but problems with his bus. Tuesday the bus arrived at 10:25. I figured ok, no problem. The driver is probably just adjusting her timeframe. Wednesday the bus arrived at 10:15. This annoyed me quite a bit since my son wasnt really ready to leave yet. I called the bus barn Thursday morning around 10:00 to make sure the bus would be on time that day. Of course, they assured me the problem was taken care of. Well, at 10:50 I finally got tired of waiting, and took him to school myself. And then, for some reason, the bus stopped outside our house Friday to pick him up. My son doesnt go to school on Fridays. Due to my son's transitioning school schedule, he'll be leaving even earlier starting Monday and I can only hope that maybe the transportation department can get their act together long enough to take one little boy to school.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tilby is moving

At the beginning of next month, I am going to say goodbye to the best friend I have ever had. Tilby is moving to Texas. I realize that it isnt going to be a forever kind of goodbye, but it just wont be the same. Tilby and I have known each other for about ten years, and exept for the summers she used to spend in Texas with her father, she has always been just a short drive away. I've always prefered talking face to face over phone time. And I must admit that I am worried about how things are going to go for her once she's living so far away. I truly hope that this move will be a good thing for her, but I will miss her very much. It is my intention to ask her to begin posting here on the blog more often since she will have access to a computer.
E-mail and phone calls will keep us in touch. Perhaps in a year or two I can go to texas on my vacation and visit her.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My new computer

Hello to all my faithful readers! Just wanted to stop in and let you know that my posting should get a bit more consistent now. My new alienware laptop was delivered to my home this morning. So now I don't have to share a computer with my husband. Since I have my wireless network up and running I can use the internet any time I please now. Yay for me!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Life gets in the way

Hello everyone. Its been a busy few weeks for me. I almost lost my job, started my son in his new kindergarden, found out my mother in law is engaged, and bought myself a laptop. Well.. I'm going to buy a laptop anyway. Later this afternoon I'm buying the computer of my dreams. Ever heard of alienware? If you havent, they are some of the best gaming computers made. Sorry the post is so short guys. To much to do as always.
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