Rose's garden

A first time bloggers attempt

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I finally got my schedule this week. sort of. I agreed to change schedules with one of the other new guys to help him out. When I actually looked to see, I realized I would have had new years eve off if I had kept my schedule. Now I have to work christmas eve, christmas day, new years eve, and new years day. I guess it kinda worked out tho. The person i switched with absolutely insisted I take $50 for helping him out. I felt pretty weird taking the money, and I tried to refuse several times. wow.... I tried to refuse money... I must not be feeling well. Maybe I'll go drinking this weekend. $50 is more than enough to put me well under the table. to bad the rest of you probably have to work

Thursday, October 27, 2005

My son

What follows is a very personal post. Im not really sure why Im posting it. I guess i just want to get this out....... For a few days now, I've been thinking about talking to my readers about my son. My son is four years old, with kinda dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. His name is Joey, and as any mother or father can understand, he is the center of my life. I guess my desire to talk about him stems from the fact that on my blog I dont have to listen to anyone try to convince me that everything will be fine blah blah blah. My son is autistic ( or so the doctors claim, but thats a whole different subject) He has the vocabulary skills of a 18 month to 2 year old. He attends a special ed class at preschool and gets speech and occupational therapy. For 2 years I let everyone around me tell me that my son was fine. I ignored that voice inside me that said something wasnt right. When he didnt start talking by 2, I let people convince me that he was just a late bloomer. I failed myself, and worst of all I failed my son. He is improving now, but it makes me crazy to think I lost so much time. Autistic children do better the earlier they recieve the necessary therapy and interventions. I guess this is my insane way of telling my readers to never doubt their instincts when it comes to their children.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

School pictures

For any of you parents in this area, today is picture day for the early childhood center. I found out about this yesterday when I was getting my son ready to go to school. Found the info packet in his bag. I must say it would have been nice to have a little more notice. I never cared what I wore to school on picture day when I was in school. But this is my son! He has to look perfect. On a normal day my son wears t-shirt and jeans. Today he is still wearing jeans, but I broke down and put a dress shirt on him. He looks pretty sharp if you ask me. I guess in a way Im glad I didnt have more notice about the pictures. If I had known I probably would have talked myself into buying a whole new outfit, shoes and all, just for picture day. Either that or my mother in law would have found out and tried to take over the whole process. Now Im going to have to get ready to go to the school so the photographer doesnt scared the heck out of my son this year. You'd think they would hire people who are good with kids to do school pictures.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My new segment

I figure that I'd like to include one of my biggest hobbies into my blog. I am what I like to refer to as a video game addict. So I decided to do a review from time to time. For my first attempt I'm going to do a short review of a new game for the PS2 called Shadow of the Colossus. Here goes.

For the most part, the game was pretty fun. It revolves around killing colossus' by climbing up their bodies to find their weak points. The controls were a little clunky, but by far the worst part was the camera angles. I cant count how many times I found myself cursing at the TV because I couldnt see what I was doing. The gameplay itself was pretty innovative, and finding your way up the colossus' bodies was pretty challenging at times. I wont get into details, but the story was pretty simple and straightforward. All in all it was a pretty good game, but considering the fact I beat the game in two days and have no interest in replaying, I would say that $50 for this game is to much. Definitely a rental and not a buy.

Monday, October 24, 2005

My first day on second shift

All in all I had a pretty good day. For the most part it was uneventfull. Until one of the residents asked us where the whorehouse was. Then told us Quincy was worthless because we dont have one. Dont you just love what some of these residents come up with? I felt pretty good most of the night, but now that I'm home I feel like my legs are gonna fall off. Perhaps one of my readers could recommend a good masseus? (I think I spelled that right) I could really use a full body massage right now :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A few things I've learned

I've decided to try my hand at Chems "things I've learned" segment. So without further ado, here they are.
1. A four year old will eat anything, as long as it isnt green.
2. Thong underpants and CNA work dont mix well.
3. Multiple debates in a day are actually possible if you get the kid out of the house.
4. If you arent sure how old something in your fridge is, dont eat it just throw it out
5. No matter how old you get your parents will always find new ways to annoy you.
6. When you want to say something funny, you just cant.

Not as good as Chems, I know, but its a start.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Well, there you have it. The complete prologue for Blood Vengeance. The next part of the story is not nearly as intense, and I'm not sure I'm going to serial post it. While my long time readers might stick with it after reading the prologue, newcomers might be sorta bored by it. If anyone is interested tho, I am considering sending further parts of the story out via e-mail. Send me an e-mail with the subject Blood Vengeance if you want to see more of it. And now, I'm off to go have fun for the rest of my weekend

Blood Vengeance part 3

Mira's eyes widened as the grip on her hand slackened and the girl's eyes drifted closed. For a moment Mira could only stare, shocked, at the now still form before her. A stab of fear lanced through her as she realized that the girl's lips were blue and she drew no breath. Mira reached down and shook her brieflym praying she would wake. When there was no response, Mira turned questioning eyes to Mother Rea. The wide, fear glazed look on Rea's weathered face told Mira there would be no help from that corner.
Considering her course only for a moment, Mira reached down and pulled a slim dagger from the sheath hidden in her boot. She had never attempted what she was about to do, but she would not ignore the life that could still be saved. She pulled her sleeves back in preparation for what would soon become grim work. Rea, who had finally come to her senses, strode forward and placed a restraining hand on Mira's arm before she could begin.
"What do you think you're doing Mira," she demaned, "How dare you bring that thing into a birthing room!"
"The baby is going to die," she replied, "We don't have any time. The girl is beyond our help now, but her child may not be!"
"No Mira. That child will bring us nothing but misfortune. Look at all the signs." Rea gestured vaguely. "The storm, the evil blasphemous witch tongue spewed from her lips, and now her death. Let the child go to the grave with her."
A mutinous look overtook Mira's features, but before she could reply, the door to the infirmary burst open. A disheveled woman entered, and crossed directly to Mother Rea.
She bowed briefly before she began. "Mother Rea you must come right away! Lightning has struck the storehouse! The storm continues to rage, but the storehouse roof is burning!"
"Lightning striking from a winter storm? No matter, we must save what we can. Gather everyone you can and begin moving the supplies away from the fire. I'll be there shortly." Rea motioned for the newcomer to leave, and made to follow her. Stopping briefly in the doorway, she turned back to Mira. "Remember what I said Mira. This latest bit only proves what I said. When I return I expect the stranger to be prepared for burial." With that, Rea closed the door behind her.
Mira stared at the door, her conscience screaming at her. She glanced at the still and silent form on the bed. A debate waged a fierce and swift war inside her heart. Closing her eyes for a moment to steel herself against her fear, she lifted the knife still in her hand and set about to save the life still trapped inside.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Yay for the weekend!

Its friday and I have the weekend off. I love weekends off. Might actually get a chance to do some "debating"(for reference go look at the comments from Chems tuesday post). Chem seems to have turned off that infernal machine as well. I found my CD and I have every intention of spending some quality time rocking to my favorite band. Work was good today. I saw one of Chems fellow students piss off one of my residents and the guy threw a glass of water all over one of the CNA's and another resident. I had to go hide in the utility room till I could stop laughing. Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Well everyone, as of today I have been rechristened by Chem. I am now known as Bob. And since the brain draining machine still seems to be working I dont have much else to say. Work was boring. Home is as always. In fact the only thing that happened at all today totally stunk. I seem to have lost my favorite CD. Its probably on my computer desk in which case it may never be found. Chem would you kindly turn off the machine since I dont seem to be able to?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

100 mark

Wow! I've been blogging only a short while, and I've already had 100 hits. Good for me. Of course half of those are probably from me constantly checking my blog for spam or other comments. I think i was going to write something witty or funny today, but at the moment I seem to be completely brain dead... Chem must have drained my brain waves somehow when he was doing his clinical on my floor. Or maybe my brain is just shutting down after listening for two days to a coworker talk endlessly about his Ron Jeremy Halloween costume.

Monday, October 17, 2005


I was thinking that my blog is missing something... It has my writing in it, but I'd like to make the blog a bit more interesting. I considered writing about my life day to day, but I would probably bore everyone to sleep within a day or two. Perhaps my readers would like to make a few suggestions? Any thought or comments would be appreciated. Suggestions on my story posts would be welcome as well.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Blood Vengeance part 2

"Mira, why didnt you have Ida tell me the girl's water has broken," Rea demanded.
The girl called Mira sank into the chair across from the bed and pushed her mousy brown hair out of her youthful face. Soft gray eyes looked up at Rea pleadingly as she prepared for the worst.
"I'm sorry Mother Rea! Truly I am," Mira insisted, "Ida told me it would be alright! She said she'd tell you it was urgent!"
"Your punishment will have to wait Mira. Whoever our young lady is, she needs all the help we can give right now."
Mira sighed in resignation. She knew it was useless to argue with Mother Rea. Wordlessly she took the cloths from Rea and began to soak them in the water from the pitcher. Handing the first to Rea, she began to lose herself in the familiar routine that came with being Rea's midwife assistant. Thoughts swirled relentlessly inside her head as she worked, a constant barrage that would not be silenced. Their guest had come to them just a few hours ago. She had already been in labor for some time. Mira couldn't help but wonder how in the world the girl had come to be in the mountains in the middle of a raging snowstorm. The wind continued to wail outside and a muffled peal of thunder rumbled discontentedly as if to empasize Mira's thoughts.
Mira was so absorbed in her menial task she didnt hear the first muttered words that escaped the laboring girls lips. Mira continued on with her work, unaware of the growing volume of the girls words. Mother Rea's sudden vice like grip on her shoulder brought her back to reality. Loud, clear words streamed from the girl's lips as she arced back against the contraction tearing through her body. Rea and Mira stood white faced and speechless as the words became a litany, a chant in a tongue foreign from their own.
A thunderous roar boomed from somewhere close by. Shouts began sounding from outside the infirmary, and the echo of footfalls could be heard racing through the halls. The cacophony barely registered in the minds of the two sisters inside the little room. Their attention was riveted on the woman child before them.
A second, stronger contraction carved it's way across the young woman's features and her torrent of words slid into an earsplitting scream. As the cry faded into silence, her cerulean eyes fixed onto Mira. She weakly lifted a hand to beckon Mira nearer. Hesitantly at first, then with growing courage, Mira approached the side of the bed. The girl reached out, clasped Mira's hand, and opened her mouth to speak. Haltingly, she issued a plea.
"Please... My baby... Save my daughter," she begged.
(to be continued)


I've been very busy the last few days with work and family. I have this weekend off, and I was really looking forward to a quiet, peaceful weekend. Alas, it was not to be. When I woke up this morning, I had nicely asked my hubby to let me use the computer. My wonderful and sensitive husband (can you feel the sarcasm?) said something to the effect of "If thats what it takes to get you out of bed, then whatever." Those of you that know me well will know that I have sleeping problems which I am very sensitive about. Needless to say, the situation turned into a shouting match and now my husband is pouting in his room. Hopefully some of you will have the good weekend I am denied. My weekend will be full of trips to my parents house and more errands than I want or need to do. If I actually have access ot a computer I'll try to post again soon.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Normal day

I'm having trouble thinking of anything witty or interesting to day today. For once the whole day went pretty smoothly. No problems at work or at home.... wow.. maybe I should mark it on my calender... I am proud to announce I have begun receiving spam! Lovely isnt it? I'll be posting more on Blood Vengeance in a day or two, in case any one was wondering.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Blood Vengeance part 1

Mother Rea padded quietly down the hall, tightly clutching a bundle of old cloths to her chest. No signs of comfort showed in the worn stone floor or the unadorned wood paneling the walls. Oil burning lamps set at intervals into the walls lit the way ahead. The wind howled restlessly outside, causing the rough-hewn timbers in the ceiling to creak and groan. Rea wondered at it for a moment, as it had been years since they had experienced a storm of this severity. The wind had started around lunchtime nearly a week before. It had turned bitterly cold outside quite suddenly, and before the evening meal of the day was over it was snowing heavily. Most storms would have blown themselves out by now. Rather than becoming weaker, this storm seemed to gain strength with each passing hour.
Rea pulled her shawl tighter across her shoulders to ward off a sudden chill. Her graying auburn hair was tightly pinned in a severe bun at the nape of her neck and only accentuated the worry lines creasing her timeworn face. Her muddy brown eyes surveyed the hallway before her as she strode towards her destination. Her entire life had been spent inside the four walls of the little convent in the mountains, but even so she could have found her destination had it been her first day. The screams coming from the infirmary echoed in nearly ever corner and even the most stalwart of the sisters had begun to wonder if a demon was about to be placed among them.
Rea stopped for a moment outside the plain wooden door and took a deep calming breath. She had seen childbirth many times before, why should this occasion bother her so. After calming her nerves enough to at least stop the shaking in her hands she turned the knob and swung the door open. The sight that beheld her eyes was the same as all the other births she has been midwife for in this very room. The minimal furnishings consisited of a small worktable, a chair, and a large straw bed. On the worktable lay a single lamp, an clay pitcher, and a similar clay basin filled with steaming hot water.
The woman lying on the bed looked up at Rea with pain-glazed eyes the color of the sky and moaned as another contraction ripped through her slight frame. Rea studied her for a moment and noticed at once that to call her a woman would be a stretch. She couldnt possibly be older than sixteen summers. Her once honey golden locks lay damp and tangled against her sweat soaked brow. The plain brown shift she wore stretched tight against her swollen abdomen and Rea was shocked to realize that the moisture saturating the gown was not just perspiration. Rea turned to the final occupant of the room and pierced her with an icy glare.
(to be continued)


Since I decided to start publishing a few of my works, I've decided that perhaps I should make sure its protected. As of today all my works a protected under a Creative Commons License. see below if you have questions.

Monday, October 10, 2005

My Fiction

While looking over other peoples blogs I've noticed that many people post there stories on their blogs. Im an aspiring author myself so perhaps I might try the same. Silly as it may sound tho, I wonder if I should post full versions of what Im working on, or abbreviate them. My works have a tendancy to be kinda long... Like the time I wrote a 67 page story for an assignment that required 15 pages. I dont have any regular readers on this blog yet but I must confess it would be nice to hear an opinion on this.

What am I doing?

Well, here goes. Thought I'd try my hand at blogging. Looked over a few to give me some ideas and once I figure out how all this works Im hoping people will at least somewhat enjoy this blog.
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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.