Rose's garden

A first time bloggers attempt

Sunday, September 30, 2007

No one reads this anymore

Haven't posted most of this month. Not like it matters tho. Chem and his woman must be pretty busy. I heard from somebody that they have a little one of their own now. If its so, congratulations guys. :) I haven't heard from any of the rest of my old readers in a veeeerry long time. Joey is doing fair in school. He has his good days and his bad days. Same thing with my relationship. But all life is like that. There are ups and downs all the time. How you handle them is what truly makes a difference.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I moved

The biggest change that has gone on over the last few months is pretty easy to see. I now live in Adelanto California. I moved out west in July. Joey started school here a few weeks ago, and hes taking some time to settle in. I'm confident that he will do well once he gets used to the new class. I'm working part time, and still looking for more work. I love it out here in the desert. We have our own pool here, which is great. I do miss my home town at times, but I'm making friends and having fun out here. I've avoided going back to working in nursing homes. I loved the work, but I was getting seriously burnt out. I spent so much time taking care of people all day long at work. Then I was going home and taking care of my son and my ex husband at home. I needed a break. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be working full time doing anything but nursing right now, but I must admit its kinda nice having so much time to myself right now. anyway! I know no one is going to read this anyway, so Im gonna cut this short.
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