You know what guys? I hate Christmas. The fat man in the red suit can go screw himself. I was in such a good mood after visiting my parents house. Then I had to go to my mother in laws the next day. I already told you what she did on Thanksgiving. This time she scheduled the christmas lunch for an hour and a half before I had to go to work. Not only did I have to miss my son opening his presents there, but I had to skip my shower and change at her house just to make it to work on time. I don't know about you guys, but my shower time is about the only me time I get. Its when I relax, unwind from the day before, and gear up for my upcoming shift. I'm not a happy person when I don't get my shower. That and I just don't like to stink! On top of that, she bought me and my husband mostly clothes for Christmas. My husband and I are very picky about out clothes. We've told her dozens of times not to buy clothes for us unless we are there with her. And to ice the cake, everything she bought for me is too big. I know I'm not a supermodel or anything but I am not that fat!! Crazy as it may sound, the one thing that really bothered me the most was not getting to see if she liked the present we picked out for her. My husband and I spent an entire day looking at Wal-mart, K-mart, and every store in the mall trying to find a good present for her. We finally settled on a beautiful wind chime to put up in her new house. Having her new boyfriend at all the family functions is starting to bother me. Shes been divorced less than two months. Shes seeing a new guy, and its none of my business, but shes already trying to get my son and my nephew to call him pawpaw. I just don't think shes thinking about how this is affecting my little boy. I think its confusing him. He ran in his room, shut the door, and keep saying "no, bye" when my now ex father in law (who was my husbands step father) stopped by before Christmas. Its certainly confusing me. I already had to contend with 3 seperate Christmas get togethers. One for my family, one for my husbands mom, and one for his dad. Now its going to be four. Nothing in life is simple, but this is just nuts.